For the past few weeks, I have been holding my breath over what may happen to the Jewish state and all its inhabitants, especially during the holidays.
Read MoreRefelections
Mindfulness and the Art of Self-Compassion
The idea of slowing down and getting in touch with my feelings was foreign to me. It brought to mind visions of hippies chanting in a room full of crystals, candles, and incense.
Read More“Magic” in the Mess
I ran into our garage not realizing the cement floor was so slippery. In addition, the slippers I was wearing had completely lost their treads, creating the perfect storm.
Read MoreA Mother's Love for Her Daughter
A few days before Mother's Day, this year, my son was exploring the many boxes we've stored in our basement from my parent's Connecticut home. He noticed several boxes that were marked, "Dolls." My excitement mounted as I carefully opened each box and unwrapped the exquisite dolls my mother had so painstakingly selected for me.
Read MoreLet Us Now Praise A Strong, Courageous, and Brave Black Woman
Until the day comes when we live in a truly just society, we owe it to ourselves, our countries, and most of all, to our Black brothers and sisters, to take the time to keep learning.
Read MoreFrom Darkness to Light
We all know that after the solstice, the daylight gradually stretches, as the hours of darkness shrink. But, this year, many of us feel trapped in that shrinking darkness, struggling with pain, loss, and loneliness.
Read MoreThe Blessing of the "Unoffended"
After sharing my exasperation at the craziness of this past election, she encouraged me to "claim the blessing of the unoffended." At first, I thought she was joking. But, then I realized the blessing she was referring to was really just our attitude.
Read MoreFor the Love of Pets
I went through hours of training, learning how to handle even the most skittish cats. But, for me, it wasn't just about caring for the cats—it was about caring for me.
Read MoreStaying Connected During the Pandemic
An old Irish proverb tells us: "It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.” Being a people-person, myself, the first few months of lockdown made me just a little crazy. We all know that Zoom just isn’t the same as face-to-face time.
Read MoreStaying Fit in a Pandemic
I come from a long line of Jewish mothers who equated food with love. My family used to joke that for my grandmother if you weren't "as big as a house," you were too thin. Find out how this stuck-at-home 60-something is re-writing that script.
Read MoreMan's Inhumanity
Right now, we are "plagued" by a virus that goes beyond COVID. We are plagued by prejudice, violence, and the disintegration of our culture. Our Black brothers and sisters have suffered for centuries by the hands of white people, and in more recent events, by law enforcement.